RJ·赛勒RJ Cyler

  • 出生地:美国,弗罗里达州,杰克逊维尔生日:1993-03-21 (31 岁)
  • 简 介: RJ Cyler is the youngest of three boys. RJ Cyler has always been an entertainer in some way or form. At the age of 12, he started a dance team with his older brother. In Jan,2012; RJ heard a commercial for open auditions in the Jacksonville area. RJ was asked to Los Angeles for another acting camp, which at that time RJ's mentor asked his parents to consider relocating to California in order to support a possible future. Feb 22,2013,the family...






    • 中文名:RJ·赛勒
    • 别名: RJ Cyler
    • 身高:未知
    • 体重:未知
    • 地区:美国,弗罗里达州,杰克逊维尔
    • 星座:白羊座
    • 血型:未知
    • 生日:1993-03-21
    • 出生地:美国,弗罗里达州,杰克逊维尔
    • 职业:演员
    • 代表作品:我和厄尔以及将 
    RJ Cyler is the youngest of three boys. RJ Cyler has always been an entertainer in some way or form. At the age of 12, he started a dance team with his older brother. In Jan,2012; RJ heard a commercial for open auditions in the Jacksonville area. RJ was asked to Los Angeles for another acting camp, which at that time RJ's mentor asked his parents to consider relocating to California in order to support a possible future. Feb 22,2013,the family...



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