泰勒·格雷Taylor Gray

  • 出生地:美国,加利福尼亚州,惠蒂尔生日:1993-09-07 (30 岁)
  • 简 介: Tyler Grey is an actor and producer, known for SEAL Team (2017), Suicide Squad (2016) and The Selection: Special Operations Experiment (2016).He was grew up in Bakersfield, California, joined the Army in 1998 and quickly advanced from training into the 75th Ranger Regiment, 2nd Battalion spending most of his time there as a Sniper. He spent the rest of his career at Ft. Bragg. Grey deployed four times-two each to Afghanistan and Iraq-before he...



  • 中文名:泰勒·格雷
  • 别名: Taylor Gray
  • 身高:未知
  • 体重:未知
  • 地区:美国,加利福尼亚州,惠蒂尔
  • 星座:处女座
  • 血型:未知
  • 生日:1993-09-07
  • 出生地:美国,加利福尼亚州,惠蒂尔
  • 职业:演员/配音
  • 代表作品:海豹突击队 第三季 
Tyler Grey is an actor and producer, known for SEAL Team (2017), Suicide Squad (2016) and The Selection: Special Operations Experiment (2016).He was grew up in Bakersfield, California, joined the Army in 1998 and quickly advanced from training into the 75th Ranger Regiment, 2nd Battalion spending most of his time there as a Sniper. He spent the rest of his career at Ft. Bragg. Grey deployed four times-two each to Afghanistan and Iraq-before he...



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